
Chess Strategy Workbook: A Blueprint for Developing the Best Plan





拉普拉斯小妖 2020-05-23 20:58:30

Chess Strategy Workbook teaches you to be observant and take your time
to discover the clues in chess positions, introducing many of the
strategies used by chess masters in a way that is fun and easy to
understand.Learn how to use the different types of chess advantages
(king safety, material, piece activity, and pawn structure) to correctly
evaluate the position in order to select the best move. Basic
strategies for the opening, middlegame, and endgame are covered in
detail as well as pitfalls to avoid and how to think during the game.Two
hundred problems with a comprehensive answer key are given at two skill
levels: Basset Hound (novice to intermediate) and Chess Detective
(intermediate to advanced).

拉普拉斯小妖 2020-05-23 20:58:41

About the Author
Todd Bardwick is a National Chess Master and one of the most
experienced chess teachers in the United States having taught chess
full-time for over 25 years. He has taught over 10, 000 chess classes
with some of his students having become state and national scholastic
chess champions. He is a five-time Denver Chess Champion, runs the Chess
Academy of Denver, and founded the Rocky Mountain Chess Camp - the
oldest children's chess camp in the nation. Todd wrote the chess column
for the Rocky Mountain News from 1993-2009 and is nationally know as
"The Chess Detective" through his column in the United States Chess
Federation's publication, Chess Life for Kids (2002-present). His
best-selling books, Teaching Chess in the 21st Century, Chess Workbook
for Children, and Chess Strategy Workbook, are published in four
languages and are sold thoughout the world.

